Japanese gum is delicious and helps rebuild your teeth

gum that helps teeth screenshot

I did some research to find healthy gum and I found a Japanese gum that is delicious and helps rebuild your teeth!

It is called Recaldent and I am not getting any benefit from sharing this. I have used it for the last year and shared it with friends who have challenges with their teeth and it has improved their teeth health.

As you can see it comes in both Mint and Grape flavors and I enjoy both of those flavors. You can see that there is a large difference in price. The major reason is that the CPP-ACP2 in the advanced formula is what is actually healing the teeth. There are scientific studies that you can google and prove this.  If you can only afford one, choose the more expensive one to help your teeth.

I haven’t had any negative issues from using this gum. I am thrilled that I can do something to improve my teeth health at home. It is exciting that something as simple as chewing gum can help make my teeth stronger.

Giving these as gifts to friends has been appreciated as well. It is different and exotic to have something from another country that makes you stronger and more resilient. I also take vitamins and this combination has kept me from having serious teeth problems for most of my life. Of course that could be genes and I would be ok without vitamins and gum, but it is reasonable to me to help your genetics as much as possible.

Many products say that they will improve gum/teeth health and they will but not to the extent that this CPP-ACP2 will. In the lab, scientists are regrowing teeth and gums and this product is one step on that path. One day teeth problems will be a thing of the past. I don’t expect that day to come for several decades, however.

See also  Coincidence? I think not.