Is the most updated software the most secure?

Brave Talk Mobile
Brave Talk Mobile
brave talk mobile

Theoretically yes, but there are no easy rules here.

Why am I talking about this? In Nobara Discovery which is where you find software to install like the Google Play store or the apple App store you will find a newer version of Brave. It is newer than the version that is official on Flathub which I installed originally.

Today when I looked at the difference in version is was a minor difference. It got me to thinking perhaps I should install the newer version to be safer, and that why I am writing this now.

Browser based attacks are up almost 200%.

Companies and individuals should be doing this as an automated and regular practice. There are lots of vulnerabilities and more grow each day.

No passwords should be saved in the browser. I use 1Password and it works easily and intuitively. You will love it.

Brave is the safest, but if you are in a company then Edge is the most flexible to work with and helps with security in other ways.

Since using Brave I haven’t gotten a computer issue and because I research all day I visit alot of sites on the internet. Using Brave on a Linux machine in a VM is the safest way to surf online even more than a Mac.

Its clear its time to update to the newest version. I would rather be safe than stable. TBH Brave hasn’t crashed on me so I feel good. Right James Brown? Ow!

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