Insincere people demotivate relationships

supportive relationship
supportive relationship
supportive relationship

I watch YouTube videos and I can’t believe what I see.

I see grown adult men and women arguing about who is to blame in relationships. Women or men? How can someone be happy when they don’t treat others as individuals?

Lets be specific here. Women say that men who don’t marry are insincere because they aren’t willing to commit. Ok. Men say that women who don’t get a prenuptial are insincere because they aren’t willing to commit. Ok.

If we need external things like a marriage or prenuptial to prove to someone that our love is real then we are already lost. I think that when we look outside ourselves for affirmation we lose the most important things.

Yes they are advantages to both genders for marriage and prenup. What if we made a compromise and didn’t do either of those things? What if we related to each other in a sincere way, rather than trying to use the marriage and a weapon/shield, and using prenups as a weapon/shield.

It is known that more than 70% of divorces are caused by women. So when women say that they want the man to marry them then to men it can seem a ploy for money. However on the prenup side, the statistics show that women who divorce tend to lower their standard of living and go into poverty. So it would seem that keeping a relationship is the most helpful choice for healthy people or people who can get therapy and make changes to be happy.

Men want to be with someone who loves them for themselves and not their money. Women want to be valued as well. Can’t we act like adults and start being sincere with each other?

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