I hate people who try to oversimplify things into either this or that. It is unfair, and not helpful.
This causes divisions like Republicans and Democrats, rich and poor, black and white. Nothing helpful comes from division. Our strength as a community has always been our unity.
Therefore it must bring Russia/China and our enemies great pleasure knowing that they have stoked the fires of division and now that is breaking up families and making the US weaker and more vulnerable to propaganda.
I shared before that when I was emotionally and economically vulnerable I allowed myself to be a victim of propaganda. Eventually I realized my mistake and I left. I avoided two cults, and got involved with a third. Now I realize why people want to break up communities and supportive relationships.
We think that we can do things alone, but the truth is that we can’t. No matter how good we are, we are just one person a drop in the ocean as Odo would say. We need a community, and the more that we tear each other apart, the more we are helping China and Russia and every socialist, communist and fascist fear you have.
Make no mistake. We are in the middle of WW3. Except the prize is no longer land or resources. It is the human spirit. We are letting our enemies win when we financially support their institutions, and mentally give them our time and effort with TikTok and other businesses.
Am I saying you should give up TikTok? Some people have build a business on that. I am not telling you what you should do, but there are consequences to your actions. We don’t just get benefits in life, we also suffer with the choices we make.
For example, when the Apple Vision was announced many Mac people said it would bring in a new age of Spatial computing. I’m open to that, it would be great and fun. Yet it was premature. Apple was crazy to think they had a market at $3500. I can’t believe that they though their was enough value for people to want that. If I was rich I would have bought one because I am curious, and then felt regret for being so stupid.
What kind of world are your actions making? Are you helping small business and policies to help the common person? Or rather, have you supported someone who cares more for large business and the rich. Isn’t it the truth that as long as you make a company money most don’t care what else you do? In the US and capitalism our religion is money, and the message is very clear: to hell with everything else. To hell with human rights, human respect and human dignity.
When you wake up rich and no one respects you, what have you gained? I guess Elon knows that answer.