One of the most amazing things you can do in your life is accept you are imperfect.
What this means is that you no longer have to waste your time and life doing things that don’t matter. In the past I used to want to do everything perfectly, but with time I saw the error of my ways.
Of course I want to do things the best that I can do but everything in life has a balance. With the idea of perfection there is no balance, and that means that it is automatically unhelpful.
Why am I sharing this? I realize that when I post articles to my website/LinkedIn that after I write it, I read it for errors and then publish it. Then once it is published I read it again for errors. Sometimes I find new errors. Then I edit those errors and save and read again.
My goal is to write in a way that is helpful and easy to read. I understand how writing errors can made reading difficult.
However there are times when I spot an error and don’t fix it, or probably don’t spot an error and don’t realize it. Ideally I should have an editor, but since I don’t other than a spell-check things happen. Does that mean that I don’t care about quality? No.
It means that I can make an article perfect, or I can make it good enough and move on to the next article. If my readers get tired of my errors they move on, and that is fair enough. It is their life and time and energy. It would be a mistake to spend more time trying for perfection when that is not the goal of my sharing.
My hope is that even through my errors you can find something useful. We don’t have to be perfect for others. We have to be honest and willing to look stupid at times and be human.