It is brilliant. It is easier than I thought.

You simply press the PRT SCR button. It brings up the window where you can choose what you want to do. I took another picture of my screen and now you can see it easier. Linux is so amazing that they put some thought into making tools that help people, instead of trying to find ways to upsell people.
Isn’t this beautiful? It is to me. I didn’t know Jack and the OS showed me an option when I right-clicked on the taskbar to change my desktop. It knew that if I was playing with the taskbar I would probably care about the UI enough to want to change the background. Smart.
Have I changed the default boot from Linux Mint to OpenSuse? Nope. I still am exploring this. It might have some terrible flaw that I don’t like and makes it worse than LM. However, the more that I use it the more I love it.
I am going to test the games next. I got distracted with the screenshot issue but now that is fixed let’s see how some native graphic supports translate to games. I guess Steam would be the best test here. Toodles.