How I realized that throwing away things wasn’t wasteful

Trash In The Nature
Trash In The Nature
trash in the nature

Just like anyone else, I don’t want to spend money unless I have to. So throwing things away that still seem to be working feels wasteful.

However there are many times you have to do this. For example, a few days ago I threw away two pillows that I bought 5 years ago. Why? Because when I washed the pillowcase I noticed the pillow was yellow when it used to be white. Clearly it was dirty and needed to be changed.

There are reasons why we should replace things even when they apparently are fine. Besides pillows being dirty visually, they can hold other things that are unpleasant to think about. Nothing lasts forever and no matter how comfortable they are, you have to bite the bullet and replace things.

I am also going to replace my pillow with a different pillow. It has reached the end of its life, but I can’t decide which one I want. There are pros/cons for the different versions. I am going to do more research today and then make a decision. It has fixed my sore shoulder and neck issues that I used to have after waking up in the morning.

Taking care of yourself is keeping yourself healthy and letting go of things that can cause health problems. As much as I loved those pillows, I had to let them go. I think we often hold onto things because we aren’t honest with ourselves. Health is more important than comfort. If you allow yourself to change in small things, changing for big things is easy.

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