I tried to watch a You Tuber who has a different opinion than mine, but when he started calling people names I stopped watching it.
He said something like “You’re a beta if you are political preference. Real men are his political preference.” Really? Aren’t we past calling people names?
It is one thing to disagree with someone else. Everyone has the right to believe whatever they want. Its quite another to disrespect someone by calling them a name trying to trigger them and prove your own point.
People who like to trigger others are immature and weak. An adult wants what is best for society, and can accept that they may not have all the facts. What I see happening in society and media is that people are insincere in their discussions and that doesn’t help anyone.
Another video I watched a person said that someone doing X was wrong. The person he was speaking with showed that someone in his party did X as well. He should acknowledge that and agree with that, rather than seeking to defend or explain. Then you can say that both people are wrong, and that doing X is wrong.
We have this idea that we can believe whatever we want without consequences. If people make a logical argument why that is not helpful, and you don’t recognize it because you don’t want to, you aren’t helping your cause. We have to admit that we all have flaws, and admitting them gets us closer to a solution.
I would hate to think that our civilization will be destroyed by ignorance, posturing and immature adults who can’t admit they are wrong. Its ok to admit you made a mistake, and that your party and beliefs are not perfect. It doesn’t make them less valuable or true for you.
If you just want to believe what you want to believe, then there is no hope for you and your life is very small and limited. You are a child who refuses to grow up and you will never discover the compassionate truth that exists or feel the contentment that loving your fellow being provides. How sad for you.