I love watching DW news on youtube. I have learned many things.

What is nice about it is that you don’t feel it has a political ax to grind. It is my preferred news source due to the great amount of facts and in-depth reporting. It is supported by the German government but it is independent and doesn’t push a German ideology.
One of the most difficult things in gathering news is trying to separate bias and the inflammatory tone/slant that they write it with. I find both Fox/CNN not reliable and dislike anyone trying to slant information in a way that helps them. In fact, if it is aligned with the owner’s political tone, that is another reason to suspect it is not reliable.
As a former news reporter, I find the bias in most media disturbing. People believe what they want to believe, and often write stories that confirm their own worldview. So for me when I can find a source that seems neutral I really value it.
The Economist and Al Jazeera news networks are neutral as well and those are educational. I have shared likes to Vice, and other independent media sources in part to try to share points of view that the mainstream doesn’t support. Credible points of view based on science and facts.
It has always been my goal to share things that are useful and factual. People don’t need to be forced into an opinion but rather show reasons why something may be more helpful to believe than others. I do not believe in ideas that can’t be proven. If there is something that can’t be proven, we can’t rely on it as a policy or use it in a discussion.
It is ok if you don’t like DW or other news sources, or if you want to have your bias confirmed. Your world depends on your ability to consider facts that don’t support what is convenient to believe.