It is a mistake to think you need to, or should fix everything yourself.
A week ago I had an error in WordPress with site health. It said something to the effect that the Autoload options were too big for the pages and needed to be fixed.
So I researched this and found all kinds of tricky solutions for it. One of the other suggestions was to contact your hosting provider and let them fix it for you. I weighted doing it myself vs asking my hosting provider and I asked my hosting provider
Now I hadn’t had to call them for anything in six months. The last issue was my fault because I am curious and sometimes do things that turns out I had bad information about. No big deal my personal site is to learn things. They realized the issue and in 15 minutes they had fixed my issue. I confirmed that by checking in Site Health and it was gone. Amazing.
I would have spent at least an hour of my time to fix that and I wasn’t even sure which of the many options were the best one. It is wisdom to know when you should fix something yourself, or when you need to ask for help.
I have never been shy to ask for help and the reason is because it is often an opportunity for me to learn.