Don’t let low balling recruiters bother you

recruiters group comic
recruiters group comic
recruiters group comic

Here is a conversation I had once.

“Hey you are perfect for job X. The range for this is y-z.”

“No thank you, I am making more than that now.” I replied.

“Ok thanks.”

Time passes.

“Hey we spoke to the client and what is the lowest range you would work for?”

I replied “I am not interested in the client or your company and if my time isn’t valued then I don’t want to work for them.”

They replied “We went to bat for you to get a higher salary.”

I replied “I don’t work with companies that low ball people.”

If you reach out to me and your negotiation is to tell me that you offer a price that I haven’t worked at for 5 years, that isn’t going to work for me. I don’t become less valuable with time.

Companies that look for the cheapest person are the most expensive and wasteful hire.

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