When the water was off in my building, I had water delivered from a retail store. I had never tried their cheap store branded water before so I bought a few Fiji waters and then gallons of their cheapest. What a mistake that was!
Immediately when I tried to drink it I could barely swallow it. Imagine leaving water out in an old rubber tire and then trying to drink it. It was such a plasticized flavor that I knew it wasn’t good for me.
However in the name of science I swallowed when I should have spit. I felt an upset stomach after and I knew that I wasn’t going to drink anymore of that water.
It is still in the floor of my closet waiting for me to decide what to do with it. It cost about a $1 a gallon which I couldn’t understand how they could sell potable water so cheaply. The answer is they can’t. No one would say this is drinkable. I think this purchase comes under the motto, if it sounds too good to be true, it is.
I am going to throw away the water after I finish this column. I held onto it thinking it might have a purpose, but the only purpose it is serving is to remind me of the mistake I made buying it. Sometimes its better to give away things from the past, and not remind yourself of your learning mistakes.