As much as possible, only tell people what they need to know.
It is tempting to share more than they need to know to show your value. However what makes your truly valuable is that you save people time, and prattling on about things they don’t need to know isn’t saving them time.
Often people will ask you questions in your domain of expertise and the answer is long and complex. As much as possible, acknowledge that at the start and then give the briefest answer you can. People don’t know and it is up to you to present it in a way that is meaningful for them.
One of the favorite parts of my job is that I can distill complex information into simple guidelines. This is not me bragging, it is a strength that I can break down information and then build it back up to fit a purpose. We all have different strengths. So find what your strength in life is, and find a job that can benefit from it. Lots of people say that you should improve your weaknesses, and if you have time, sure. However focus on your strengths at work and let the other team members do what you are weak in.
Focus on what people need to know, and if they need more they will ask you.