Curious about laptops lately

"Right that's my laptop, my laptop kindle, my kindle iphone, my iphone ipad, my ipad charger...all my spare batteries and spare chargers...hmmm, I don't seem to have any room for my clothes..."
"Right that's my laptop, my laptop kindle, my kindle iphone, my iphone ipad, my ipad charger...all my spare batteries and spare chargers...hmmm, I don't seem to have any room for my clothes..."
“Right that’s my laptop, my laptop charger…my kindle, my kindle charger….my iphone, my iphone charger…my ipad, my ipad charger…all my spare batteries and spare chargers…hmmm, I don’t seem to have any room for my clothes…”

Lately I have been curious about ARM laptops.

Mostly because after finding Linux such a joy to use, I want to continue to use Linux. I have the most flexibility doing that using a Windows computer rather than a mac one.

I have had the good fortune since working in IT to use many brands of computers. Like many others there are brands that I prefer. Lately I have been seriously considering a Framework laptop.

I considered that when I considered buying this MSI gaming laptop that I have. However back then my purpose was to play the next generation of a game that I loved, but it didn’t come to pass. The game is still a dud, and so I won’t make the mistake of buying on speculation again.

What I liked about Framework was that it was more environmental than other laptops. I didn’t like the higher cost, but in the long run you could make a compelling argument that it is a lower cost. I guess the problem that I have with that laptop is that since I am curious I wonder how long I will be able to not want to try another Brand. Will I want to manually upgrade it and does the lower performance justify the pricing?

Right now the answer is no for me for Framework. I have watched many reviews but I don’t think it is at the level where I want to use a computer at. In the future it might be a great option, but it isn’t compelling enough for me now.

The Microsoft Surface 7 seems interesting. It is very Mac like but again the goal is to run Linux on it. I saw that some people have done this but using MS branded hardware and Linux just doesn’t feel right. I will continue to explore this.

See also  Slow and steady wins the game

If I want to buy another gaming laptop I might try the Gigabyte brand. They seem to be a cheaper version of MSI. I looked at them also but the reviews said the quality wasn’t as good as MSI. Still they are very competitive and might be worth exploring.

I don’t need a laptop, but I always like to be prepared if my laptop was stolen or damaged. Its nice to have a backup.