In one of the AI videos I shared one of the suggestions was to have ChatGPT be used for creating ideas. I did what the author suggested. I told it my URL for this site and asked it to come up with some articles that would be interesting for my readers.
It came up with 10 suggestions and two of them looked interesting. Yesterday I wrote two of them. The only idea that ChatGPT had was the title and I used the title exactly. Both of them did average or worse than average. Coming up with ideas yourself is better than relying on ChatGPT.
One of the counter-intuitive things I have learned from writing online is that things that you don’t think anyone is interested in can be very interesting to people. I am constantly amazed that articles that I primarily wrote for me because I like the memory are popular. Its almost like people want unusual things.
I get HREF reports about how my website is doing every few months for free. One of the things that it shows is that my most popular articles are for things that are very unusual or uncommon. That’s one of the reasons I am not afraid to write about uncommon things. People want novelty and they tire of the same kind of corporate BS that predominates LinkedIn.
If you have any creativity, you can do better than ChatGPT.