Brave Talk is a Zoom replacement

Brave Talk Mobile
Brave Talk Mobile
brave talk mobile

If you are paying for Zoom and only use it to talk to a handful of people, or informally, Brave Talk might save you a lot of money.

I tested Brave Talk yesterday with a friend and it worked wonderfully. It was just like using Zoom, even down to the icons at the bottom and the intuitive interface. Unlike the free Zoom meetings, it isn’t capped at 40 minutes. You can have unlimited meeting time which is amazing! So many pros to this.

One of the other pros was the great image quality and sound. I didn’t have any drops or video issues. It had almost everything Zoom does including breakout rooms! I did not expect that. You can easily put security on your room, or share the link with others in many ways. They don’t have to use Brave, they just click on the link and join the meeting. This is faster than starting a Zoom meeting because you don’t need to first log into Zoom and then start a meeting, and then copy the link. You just click on the Brave Talk icon in your sidebar and then the meeting starts and the link pops up at the right and you can share it through email, copying it, or many other ways. Faster and easier.

No Brave isn’t giving me any benefit to sharing this, I just love the functionality of it. I have used many free video chat services and for the most part, you don’t know if they are safe, or if they have some limitations like poor quality or limited time. This is the first one that compares so favorably to Zoom, that it is hard to justify paying for Zoom if you only use it in a limited way. I said earlier that I don’t think that Zoom is going to survive Teams, and something like this chips away at the low-end/low demand for Zoom.

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What are the downsides? There is a limited number of backgrounds you can choose from. I tried one and it worked just as well as Zoom does with backgrounds. I struggled to come up with a downside. I don’t see any real downside to this.

It is remarkable isn’t it how many things Brave Browser can do, isn’t it?