Everyday we are bombarded by people who are ignorant. How do we deal with it?
We deal with it like I have understood black coworkers have explained to me. You don’t take it personally, and you don’t try to educate other people. You shake it off and move on, and don’t let stupid people ruin your day.
Something I often think of is from a video I shared earlier. It said “You can’t fix stupid. You can’t heal toxic. Loving someone harder doesn’t make them love you back. The day you realize this you will be free.”
I am not free. I realize the truth of this statement, but it is so painful to watch stupid, toxic and non loving people make decisions and influence society. People want things their way, without regard for the basic respect and dignity that all people have.
I am not talking about democratic/republican talking points here. I am talking about basic human dignity. I think we all agree that we all have the right to a life where we can contribute and feel safe. Sadly, too many of us feel that certain people don’t deserve this right. They feel threatened that their life won’t be what they want, if they accept and help others succeed.
It is ignorance at the highest level. When we treat other people as subhuman, we degrade our own worth as well. If we support decisions that erode personal civil rights, eventually that will be turned on us. When we can disrespect and devalue others, then it will be done to us. We have to have a standard, a minimum of conduct and the constitution and laws shows that standard.
When we don’t respect the laws, and care for our fellow human being we are worthless. No matter how much money we have, we are the worst kind of person. When we die, no one will miss us. Just like all of the jerks are not missed in history. The world is a better place when heartless, ignorant people die, and I do not advocate violence in any form.
So many people have ruined their lives and the trust that others had in them. When extreme actions are taken, extreme actions will be taken on those who take them. This is not society and civilization unless we can return to respect and love. Why is this so hard for people?