People like to see life as simple, but exceptions always exist that complicate things.
For example, today I learned about that some pregnancies are medically un-viable. That is, their is some serious genetic or physical condition that makes the pregnancy unable to come to term. People who say that there should be no abortion except in rape/incest, don’t know about this and probably many other exceptions.
This is why you can’t have popular opinion inform policy. Imagine if we had an issue that affected only men like prostate cancer and there were rules about what could be done about a medical procedure. Men would not stand for it. They would rightly say that what happens to their bodies is their business.
Your morality does not override other peoples freedom to choose what they do with their body. If God exists and doesn’t interfere, what right do you have to interfere?
Another example is the 1st amendment or freedom of speech. This is not absolute. I also learned this week that in a court of law, you are compelled to cooperate with the court/judge but not the police. So you can not incriminate yourself and plead the fifth, but you do have to work with them and answer a judges questions that are not incriminating in nature and Judges will be very careful not to ask you those questions.
What we learned from school and from society is incomplete. We really need to admit that we are quite ignorant of almost everything, and before we are so bold to believe our ideas/feelings are reality, we need to check with others who are experts and read facts to see if that is true.
Each day as I learn I discover my ignorance. People who are sure of what to do, are the most ignorant people who can exist. The most helpful thing to do isn’t always clear. What seems intuitive often makes a problem worse. We help others most often when we listen, instead of prescribing solutions.