Best times to post on LinkedIn

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I have been doing some experiments and am ready to share the results with you. The best times to post on LinkedIn seem to be from 8 AM EST to 8 PM EST every two hours.

I tested:

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    linkedin logo

    Posting 10 articles in a 20-minute period starting at 9. Some posts would get low views.

  • Posting 5 articles in a 20-minute period starting at 9. Some posts would get low views.
  • Posting 2 articles every 30 minutes starting at 9. Some posts would get low views.
  • Posting per standard recommended guidelines available on the web which recommends different start times per day such as 8 AM and 9 PM on different days. Some posts would get low views.
  • Posting 1 article per day. It might get low views.
  • Posting between 3-8 articles per day every hour. Some posts would get low views.
  • Posting 2 articles per day. Some posts would get low views.
  • Posting on weekends with variable schedules. Some posts would get low views.
  • Posting on weekends with a regular schedule. Some posts would get low views.

I have been posting on LinkedIn for 14 years and this week has been my highest number of views on each of my posts. I start either at 8/9 AM EST and every two hours I publish another post. I have done this for the last three days and it has meant that every post has gotten a significant number of views, and no post has had low views. To me, low views are under 50 views. Online some people claim that the LinkedIn algorithm has a limit on how many it can show at one time and it seems to work best when you give it time to work with just one post.

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