Authenticity matters

'Come on, you big softy, admit it: Those were real tears at the end of the movie...'
'Come on, you big softy, admit it: Those were real tears at the end of the movie...'
‘Come on, you big softy, admit it: Those were real tears at the end of the movie…’

People often try to be inauthentic with others, but you can easily tell.

The root of peoples trust is if they believe that you are on their side. For that reason all of my life I have tried to demonstrate with my actions and words that I am on the side of the people that I can help.

I don’t say words to get peoples trust. I show them in my actions. I don’t talk and gossip about other people so they see that they are safe to confide in me. I don’t try to be the best. It is enough to be good at what I do. I don’t argue to prove who is right. I discuss to advocate for what is helpful for the most people.

This is not to extoll myself but rather I can serve as an example of what has worked for me. The less you promote yourself, the more others trust you.

Many times people become leaders only because of money not because they have the intelligence or skill to do a job. It doesn’t matter. History will judge everyone. All we have to be concerned about is that our life can matter and we can live a life of meaning and purpose if we choose it. I choose it. I hope you do as well.

See also  Don't let the mundane overwhelm you