Amazing mashup artist @ButterflyRoof

Amazing Mashup Artist @butterflyroof

I have featured some mashups from my favorite mashup artist

The reason I am writing this is just to share how amazing this person is. In a response to one of the posts on their video they shared that they were a music major. It shows. What they have done is emotionally provacative and for me some of the videos are just breathtaking. For example the one below. It is in my humble opinion better than the original. This person has recontexualized some of these classic songs and to me, they sound better and more moving. It is an amazing job.

I have to be honest and say that even though I appreciated all of Madonnas works, it has been hard to listen to her as time passes. I started listening to the above song with the attitude that I wasn’t going to like it. However the masterful layering of other valid music transformed this song. To me this is song is more beautiful than the original one. How often is a modern song recast in a traditional style and it sounds completely natural? This is one of the reasons that I like this mashup artist.

I have listened to other mashup artists and appreciated their blending skills. I have never emailed them to thank them personally for this work like I did with this person. To me, these songs bring new life to favorite old classics that I love. If you loved the originals, you will fall in love with them all over again. The artist who made them gave us the first gift, but mashup artists let us enjoy something amazing once again. Its a rare gift.

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