I fought the flapper and the flapper won

Ottoman Funny Comic
Ottoman Funny Comic
ottoman funny comic

It is said that the measure of a man is the battles he wins. I lost the battle with the toilet flapper today.

What happened? Since I moved into my apartment the toilet leaked water. I tried various things to fix it with various levels of success. I reduced the problem but didn’t eliminate it. Finally last night I broke down and spent $15 for a 3 inch new toilet flapper.

It arrived today and easily installed. Since then not a peep of noise from the toilet needing to refill. I love it. Save money and water.

What was also neat about this experience is that I used Home Depot and they used a service called Roadie. After I bought it one of the options was to have it delivered the next day. Now this was only $15 and I was like, how are they going to buy the person to deliver it but apparently they don’t rely on tips like other companies.

The experience was great. They sent a text message which popped up a map which showed where he was. I meet him outside and he was friendly and even explained how the service worked when I told him this was my first time. I wasn’t asked for any additional money for delivery.

This means that now Home Depot is my first choice for delivery for things that they might be able to do. I am transitioning away from a major retailer to Home Depot and Best Buy. They both seem to be slightly more ethical according to my research. Plus they have better inventory and not such a frustrating experience.

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Isn’t competition great?